2023: Reflecting on a Year of Embracing Growth

As 2023 came to a close, so did my 46th year of life. For many, the middle years are viewed negatively. However, I've chosen to embrace them with fervor, determination, and a spirit of exploration. Inspired by authors like Arthur Brooks, insights from interviews with Richard Rohr, and candid discussions with peers, I've embraced these years of adjustment and change. If I had to choose one word to describe 2023, it would be 'growth'.

It was indeed a year of self-reflection, learning, building on mistakes, letting go, and stepping outside my comfort zone. Despite the difficult and confusing times, each was met with growth, new experiences, and moving on. Richard Rohr once said, "Much of the work of midlife is to tell the difference between those who are dealing with their issues through you and those who are dealing with you." Six years into my midlife, I've realized that mindfulness is key to this understanding. The lessons I've learned this past year are clear: trust your instincts, take time to reflect, and live beyond your comfort zone.

The year began with sleepless nights and eczema around my eyes, symptoms of stress. Often, I was lost in thought, worrying over uncontrollable aspects and living contrary to my values. I was also internalizing others' grief and frustrations. Change was necessary, so I started by being more present in each situation, asking myself if it felt right, or if it was the right project for my team. Was I setting proper boundaries so work didn't infringe upon my home values? In hindsight, the biggest challenge was allowing myself to be still and listen to my inner voice, which, when I did, felt like a universe-embracing hug of comfort and joy.

Walking through these experiences has been eye-opening. Recognizing my stress levels and lack of boundaries was life-changing. Getting to know myself again has been freeing. For the first time in memory, the incessant voice in my head, urging me to make choices based on money, or exaggerating problems, quieted down. By listening to my gut, I've managed to hire a fantastic team, source sustainable products, and launch Seek Home. I’m so grateful for all of this.

Reflection became a key part of my 2023 journey. Though I've been journaling for a long time, my 'energizer bunny' lifestyle of constant movement often clashed with reflective practices. This cycle of exhaustion and repeated mistakes needed to end. In the workplace, with my team's help, we established regular meetings that evolved into sessions of collective reflection, discussing successes, challenges, and areas for improvement, thereby fostering a culture of continuous learning and respect. Personally, journaling has become an even more transformative practice, aiding me in making mindful decisions. Reflective journaling has become a vital tool for my personal growth and well-being.

Stepping out of my comfort zone was another significant aspect of the year. I didn't resort to skydiving (I still detest heights!), but I did venture into new, previously intimidating territories. Starting an online business and increasing my networking efforts opened up a world of invaluable connections and opportunities. The thought of all the amazing people I might have never met had I not stepped out of my comfort zone is astonishing. Additionally, tackling complex projects and engaging in difficult conversations underscored that growth often lies in discomfort. Each challenge was a lesson in resilience and adaptability.

2023 was a year of embracing reflection and the beauty of stepping beyond the familiar. These experiences didn’t just shape the year; they transformed my approach to life as I continue navigating my middle years. The sleepless nights and eczema flare-ups have decreased significantly. Here's to carrying these lessons forward into 2024, continuing to grow and learn more!

Lindsey Mrav