The Power of Mentorship

In this post, I’m sharing how having a mentor throughout my career has help me stick true to my values and pave my own way in the interior design field.

In the Beginning

From a young age, I was fortunate to witness the profound impact of mentorship through my father. He dedicated his career to mentoring doctors at various stages of their professional journey, often forging deep friendships along the way. My father, now a retired orthopedic surgeon, esteemed professor, researcher, and entrepreneur, shared his wisdom and experiences with colleagues and residents in a gentle yet profound manner. This early exposure taught me the invaluable lesson of seeking mentors and exploring relevant literature to guide my decisions throughout my evolving career.

Mentorship can come in different forms depending on the stage of life you're in and where you're at in your career. Over the last 15 years of running my business through the highs and lows, I've relied on the wisdom from certain books that I've read, my business coaches, and key people in my life. Each has provided me with a different way to approach a problem, a new idea, or sometimes, much-needed validation. The knowledge and support have kept me going, given me the courage to pursue certain goals, and provided new information or perspectives.

When I started out, I was bursting with design ideas, but — let's be real — navigating the business side was not my strength. I was like a deer in headlights. My mentor crew consisted of savvy entrepreneurs, business buffs, and a few designers. I spent countless hours reading books, going through magazines, researching online, and speaking with fellow entrepreneurs.

When in Doubt, Reach out to a Coach

Fast forward to 2021. That's when I decided it was time for me to invest in a business coach. Building a business is a thrilling roller coaster, but those dips can be incredibly scary. I needed someone to help me navigate through these times, provide me with perspective, and offer a different way to do things. It was during those "what now?" moments that my business coaches stepped in. They were and continue to be my lighthouse, offering clarity, direction, and holding me accountable for my decisions. Exactly what I need.

The Sustainable Shift

While my mentors steered the business ship, another evolution was brewing inside me. A personal one. I began to see beyond just colors and fabrics and delved deeper into my values and impact. It was a mentor from afar whom I continuously read and listened to, Martha Beck, that helped me come into my true integrity. Sustainability wasn't just a trend; it became my mantra. Every space I touched had to exude style and conscience. Putting life first, I realized it was at the core of my being and would ultimately enrich my clients' experience, end product, and have a positive impact.

15 Years: Pivots and Plenty of Grind

Today, my mission is two-fold: to design spaces that are a treat for the eyes (and soul!) and to drive a business that's authentic to who I am. Those little gold nuggets from my mentors and coaches? Priceless. They've shaped, challenged, and cheered me on every step of the way. Most recently, I had the opportunity to visit my dear interior design mentor, Jane Lockhart.

At times, my profession has left me intimidated. Unfortunately, it can feel highly competitive, even though there is more than enough work out there for everyone. Luckily, after 15 years, I've gotten over this, which led me to approach Jane at a lunch and learn event earlier this spring. Little did I know that she would generously agree to be my mentor and share her incredible advice, insight, and validation. I can't express how incredibly grateful I am to have her support at this stage of my business journey. It's priceless.

Here's the Lowdown

If you're dreaming of carving out your own space in design or any field, remember: it's okay to seek guidance, it's okay to pivot based on your values, and it's absolutely okay to believe fiercely in yourself. As I continue to pin, pivot, and hustle, I'm so grateful to all of my cheerleaders and wise warriors who are helping me pave my own way.

Here's to the next chapter! I can't wait.

Lindsey Mrav