Transitions in Our Lives & Homes

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about transitions because, for me personally, I’m feeling a whole lot of transition at 46. Like many other women over 40, I wake up in a pool of sweat around 4am every night, and then spend countless hours stewing about one thing or another, only to give up around 6am, when I finally stop trying to go back to sleep and just get up. Sleepless nights have become a part of life, along with weight gain around the mid-drift, grey hair and wrinkles. Although I’m not super excited about these physical changes, I’ve accepted them and I’m loving my outlook on life as I get closer to my 50s. It’s exhilarating to be at a point in life where I’m not afraid to take risks and to feel 100% comfortable in my own skin.

June has always felt like a transition month, with the end of school fast approaching and the beginning of summer at our door step. It’s so busy at this time of year with potential changes to schedules and lifestyle, particularly for those of you who have their last child graduating from highschool, like my oldest brother and sister-in-law. Our niece is officially leaving their nest this summer with her summer job and then off to university in the fall. While the thought of no children at home is somewhat scary for them, they are also ready for this new chapter in their lives.

I’m sure so many of you can relate to having aging parents and all of the transitions that come with it. This year, my parents downsized from my childhood home to a new house in a retirement community. They were faced with lots of change that required a  tremendous amount of courage on their part, careful planning and lots of emotion. In the end, it was so worth it for them and they’re happy and settled. Quietly, I will admit, it caused me to get some grey hairs and lost sleep, but this transition was what needed to happen. This move enabled them to simplify their living on their own terms. I’m happy for them and for their next stage in life.

Recently, as I was reflecting on my time as a business owner, I came to realize that it’s in these periods of transition that I usually meet my clients. Their kids have become teenagers and they’re ready to upgrade their living room, or they’re ready to invest in their house after their kids leave the nest. The list goes on.

Throughout the years, I’ve helped countless people make their way to a new stage of life by improving their spaces to reflect these big transitions.

It’s a privilege to do this work, and to be with my clients through these often scary transitions, helping them move through change with less fear, more excitement and optimism, and it's just one of the many reasons that I love this job.

If you’re in transition, and want to redesign your space to suit your new lifestyle, I’m here to help!

Lindsey Mrav